Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24 with links

Attendance There may be occasions when you are either unexpectedly late or are prevented from coming to work due to sickness or another justifiable reason. On your first day of absence it is essential that you telephone your line manager or, if he or she is not available, the next senior person as soon as possible before your start time and no later than 30 minutes after the normal opening time of your store or department. Sending a text or email is not an acceptable way of notifying absence. Only in exceptional circumstances should you ask someone else to contact your line manager on your behalf. When you call, you’ll need to confirm the following information: • The reason for your absence. • How long you think you will be absent from work. • In the event of illness if you have visited the GP or have scheduled an appointment. • When you will next make contact with your line manager. In the case of prolonged sickness, you should contact your line manager every day until a medical certificate/fit note is provided, to keep him or her informed of your progress. When you return from a period of absence, it is usual practice for your line manager to discuss the reasons for your absence within a return to work meeting and you may be asked to complete a self-certification form. If the absence is related to illness and is likely to exceed, or exceeds 7 consecutive days you must obtain a medical certificate/fit note to cover you from the eighth consecutive day. Please note that you may be required to provide a medical certificate even if your absence does not last this long. Unauthorised Absence (AWOL) Where absence from work is not supported either by a timely and acceptable explanation, pre-booked annual leave or by your line manager’s authorisation, you will be considered as AWOL and may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.


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