Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24 with links


INTRODUCTION This policy sets out the arrangements for adoption leave and pay for employees of Stokers who are adopting a child through either a UK or overseas adoption agency. POLICY Managers have a specific responsibility to ensure the fair application of this policy and all employees are responsible for supporting colleagues and ensuring its success. This policy does not apply to agency workers, consultants or self-employed contractors. This is a policy document and therefore does not form part of GENERAL PRINCIPLES The following are terms relevant to, and used throughout, this policy: Expected Placement Date: the date that a child is expected to be placed into the employee’s care with a view to adoption. Intended Start Date: the employee’s intended start date for adoption leave. Relevant Period: the 8 weeks ending with the Qualifying Week. Qualifying Week: the week in which the relevant adoption agency notifies the employee in writing of the match with a child. Employees are entitled to adoption leave if they meet all of the following conditions: • They are adopting a child through a UK or overseas adoption agency. • The adoption agency has given the employee written notice that it has matched them with a child for adoption and confirms the Expected Placement Date to the employee. • The employee has notified the adoption agency that they agree to the child being placed with them on the Expected Placement Date. • The employee has been continuously employed by Stokers for at least 26 weeks ending with the Qualifying Week. • The employee’s spouse or partner will not also be taking adoption leave through their employer. any employee’s contract of employment. Stokers may amend this policy at any time.

Employees are entitled to take up to 52 weeks of adoption leave, which is divided into: • ordinary adoption leave of 26 weeks (“OAL”); and • additional adoption leave of a further 26 weeks immediately following OAL (“AAL”). OAL and AAL will be available provided employees comply with the notification requirements set out in this policy. After adoption leave, or instead of adoption leave, employees may be entitled to take shared parental leave in accordance with Stokers’ Shared Parental Leave Policy. Not more than seven days after the adoption agency notifies the employee in writing that it has matched them with a child, the employee must give Stokers notice in writing of the Expected Placement Date, and the Intended Start Date. Stokers will then write to the employee within 28 days to inform them of their expected return date assuming the employee takes their full entitlement to adoption leave. Once the employee receives a matching certificate issued by the adoption agency, they must provide Stokers with a copy. Starting Leave OAL may start on a predetermined date no more than 14 days before the Expected Placement Date, or on the date of placement itself, but no later. If an employee wants to change their Intended Start Date they should inform Stokers in writing. Employees should give the business as much notice as reasonably practicable, but wherever possible employees must tell the business at least 28 days before the original Intended Start Date (or the new start date if the employee is bringing the date forward). Stokers will then write to the employee to confirm their new expected return date. Shortly before adoption leave starts Stokers will discuss with the employee the arrangements for covering their work and the opportunities for remaining in contact, should the employee wish to do so, during their adoption leave. Adoption Pay Statutory adoption pay (“SAP”) is payable for up to 39 weeks. It stops being payable if the employee returns to work sooner or if the placement is disrupted. PROCEDURE Notification


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