Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24 with links


INTRODUCTION Stokers will at all times endeavour to ensure that employees achieve and maintain a high level of performance in their work. To this end it will ensure that standards are established, performance is monitored and that employees are given appropriate training and support to meet these standards. When it is apparent that an employee is not capable of achieving the required level of performance, Stokers will deal with the situation in a reasonable and competent manner. In the vast majority of cases, this should involve the relevant line manager addressing such issues informally. There will be occasions, however, where more formal action under this policy, will be required. POLICY This policy is intended to promote fairness and equality in the treatment of employees. The policy is designed to fairly manage employees whose performance is not of an acceptable standard and to complement any related activities which may be aimed at improving performance. This policy does not apply to agency workers, consultants or self-employed contractors. It does form GENERAL PRINCIPLES The procedure set out in this policy does not apply to situations covered by other Company policies and procedures, including cases of misconduct which are handled under the Disciplinary Procedure. Managers should liaise with the HR department for assistance in identifying whether a case is one of misconduct or capability (poor performance). However, if an employee is currently under a live misconduct sanction, Stokers reserves the right to take the sanction into consideration depending on circumstances relating to the allegations of capability (poor performance). There are a number of factors which can affect performance including but not limited to an innate lack of ability, skill or experience, a lack of adequate training and/or supervision, or other outside circumstances. Such factors are normally out of the employee’s control and therefore, under this policy, employees will be given reasonable help and encouragement where appropriate to help them to reach a satisfactory level of performance. part of any employee’s contract of employment. The business may amend this policy and/or the procedures contained in it at any time.

Negligence, by contrast, normally involves a measure of personal accountability or willful conduct or misconduct by an employee. In other words, the employee’s performance could be inadequate due to a lack of motivation, interest or attention. In all such matters of misconduct, including negligence, disciplinary action as detailed in the Disciplinary Policy and Procedure will be taken. Wherever possible, managers should seek to address any individual or minor performance problems informally as they occur and without the need to implement the formal capability (performance management) procedure. Effective management of capability (poor performance) requires the nature and probable cause of each case to be investigated at the outset, with appropriate steps taken to address the problem. Accordingly, the below procedure (performance management) should be followed in all formal capability (poor performance) cases. Managers should always liaise with the HR department to determine the right course of action. INFORMAL PROCEDURE Stokers reserves the right to enter the capability (performance management) procedure at any stage depending upon the circumstances of the case. Throughout the capability (performance management) procedure, consideration will be given to whether the employee’s poor performance may be related to a disability and, if so, whether there are reasonable adjustments that could be made to the employee’s working arrangements, including changing their duties or providing additional equipment or training. Stokers may also consider making adjustments to this procedure in appropriate cases. The business aims to deal with capability (performance management) matters sensitively and with due respect for the privacy of any individuals involved. All employees must treat any information communicated to them in connection with a matter which is subject to this capability (performance management) procedure as confidential. Most problems of capability (poor performance) can be identified and addressed informally providing an opportunity to encourage open discussion of the issues involved, and to seek effective solutions between the manager and the employee concerned. Informal discussions are useful to help: • clarify the required standards of performance; • identify particular areas of concern; • establish the likely causes of poor performance;


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