Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24 with links

Stage 3: Third Capability (Performance Management) Meeting If a Stage 3 meeting is to take place, the manager will write to the employee in advance explaining the purpose of that meeting and that one of the possible outcomes may be dismissal or redeployment to another position. The possible outcomes of the Stage 3 meeting may include but are not limited to: • Redeployment to another position - the manager may consider that this is appropriate as an alternative to dismissal. This may include demotion which could result in a reduction of salary or a variation to the employee’s contract of employment. • Dismissal with notice – outlined in employee’s contract. • Extending an active final written warning - in exceptional cases where a substantial improvement is likely within the review period. • Issuing a final written warning – only in cases where no final written warning is currently active. • No further action - this will follow the principles set out at Stage 2 above. The manager will inform the employee of their decision in writing. Stage 4: Appeals Employees have a right of appeal against decisions taken by the business under this procedure. Any appeal must be made out in writing, stating the employee’s full grounds of appeal, and sent to the HR Department within 7 days of the date on which the employee was informed in writing of the decision. Any appeal should normally focus on any procedural errors which the employee believes have occurred, any new evidence which the employee believes undermines the original decision, and/or the suitability of the capability (performance management) decision and any recommendations made as part of it. If an employee appeals against dismissal, the date on which the dismissal took effect will not be delayed pending the outcome of the appeal. However, if the appeal is successful the employee may be reinstated with no loss of continuity of service or pay. The employee will be provided with written notice of the date, time and place of the appeal meeting. Reasonable notice of the appeal meeting will be given. The appeal meeting may be a complete re-hearing of the matter or it may be a review of the original decision in the light of the procedure that was followed and any new information that may have come to light. This will be entirely at the business’s discretion depending on the

The possible outcomes of the meeting may include but are not limited to: • If the employee’s manager is satisfied with the employee’s performance, no further action will be taken. • If the manager is not satisfied, the employee • If the manager feels that there has been a substantial but insufficient improvement, the review period may be extended. Stage 2: Second Capability (Performance Management) Meeting Following a Stage 2 meeting Stokers may issue the employee with a Final Written Warning, setting out: may be invited to a Stage 2 capability (performance management) meeting.

• The areas in which the employee has not met the required performance standards. • Targets for improvement that is required. • Any measures, such as additional training or supervision, which will be taken with a view to improving performance. • A time period for review. • The consequences of failing to improve within the review period, or of further unsatisfactory performance.

The Final Written Warning will stipulate that failure to reach the required performance standard may result in dismissal or redeployment to another position. A Final Written Warning will be disregarded for capability (performance management) purposes after 12 months or such other period as specified at the time it is issued. In exceptional circumstances a warning may remain in force for more than 12 months. At the end of the specified time period for review, a meeting will be held to review the employee’s performance. The manager will write to the employee in advance explaining the purpose of that meeting. The possible outcomes of the meeting may include but are not limited to: • If the employee’s manager is satisfied with the employee’s performance, no further action will be taken. • If the manager is not satisfied, the employee

may be invited to a Stage 3 capability (performance management) meeting.

• If the manager feels that there has been a substantial but insufficient improvement, the review period may be extended.


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