Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24 with links
Varying or Cancelling Leave Employees can change the dates of or cancel a period of SPL by giving at least 8 weeks’ notice before the original start date (and the new start date, if applicable). Employees do not need to give 8 weeks’ notice if they are changing the dates of SPL because the child has been born earlier than the EWC. In such cases, employees should provide notice as soon as possible. A notice to cancel or change a period of SPL will count as one of the 3 available Period of Leave Notices, unless: • The variation is a result of the employee’s child being born earlier or later than the EWC; • The variation is at the request of Stokers ; or • It is agreed otherwise between Stokers and the employee. Shared Parental Pay To be entitled to statutory shared parental pay (“ShPP”) the employee must be entitled to SPL and have: • At least 26 weeks’ continuous service with STOKERS at the end of the Qualifying Week; and • Average earnings of not less than the lower earnings limit set by the government each tax year. Stokers will deduct the following from any ShPP entitlement: • Any weeks of maternity leave or statutory maternity pay, maternity allowance and adoption leave or pay which have been or will be taken by or paid to the employee or the employee’s partner, spouse, civil partner or co-adopter; and • Any weeks of shared parental leave or pay which have been or will be taken by or paid to the employee’s partner, spouse, civil partner or co-adopter. ShPP is paid at a rate set by the government each year. Employees will be notified of the current ShPP rate applicable by the HR department. ShPP is payable only for complete weeks of SPL. ShPP will be subject to deductions for tax and National Insurance and will be paid in line with normal salary dates. Terms and Conditions All the terms and conditions of employment remain in force during SPL, except for the terms relating to pay. In particular: • Benefits in kind such as life insurance, health insurance and use of a company vehicle if applicable shall continue; • Annual leave entitlement under the employee’s contract shall continue to accrue; and • Pension benefits shall continue.
that the child has been matched with them for adoption; and • The name and address of the employer of the other parent or co-adopter (or a declaration that they have no employer). Notice 3: Period of Leave Notice Employees must also submit a formal written “Period of Leave Notice” confirming the start and end dates of their SPL. Employees cannot start SPL until at least 2 weeks after the child is born or placed with them for adoption. The Period of Leave Notice can be given at the same time as the Opt-in Notice, or it can be given later, as long as it is given at least 8 weeks before the start of the employee’s SPL. The Period of Leave Notice must also state the dates on which the employee intends to claim ShPP, if applicable. Pattern of Leave Employees should try to take SPL as a single continuous block of leave. However, Stokers may, in some cases, be able to accommodate SPL being split into shorter periods (of at least a week) with periods of work in between. Employees can submit up to 3 Period of Leave Notices. This may enable employees to take up to 3 separate blocks of SPL. If the business is unable to agree to an employee’s request, there will be a 2-week discussion period. At the end of that period, Stokers will confirm any agreed SPL arrangements in writing. If an agreement on SPL is not reached, the employee will be entitled to take the full amount of requested SPL as one continuous block starting on the date given in the employee’s Period of Leave Notice (for example, if the employee requested 3 separate SPL periods of 4 weeks each, they will be entitled to one continuous 12-week period of leave). Alternatively, employees may: • Choose a new SPL start date (which must be at least 8 weeks after the period of leave notice was given), and tell their line manager and the HR department of this within 5 days of the end of the 2-week discussion period; or • Withdraw the period of leave notice within 2 days of the end of the 2-week discussion period (in which case, it will not be counted and the employee may submit a new one if they wish).
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