Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24 with links
INTRODUCTION Stokers operates a sickness absence policy for all employees. The key aims of the policy are to encourage reliable attendance amongst all employees to ensure a dependable staffing base, and to ensure that sickness absence is understood in each case, and managed in a fair and consistent way. This policy provides a clear framework for employees and their mangers, which enables identification and management of attendance issues in a structured, informed and objective manner. In particular, consistent and effective use of ‘return to work’ discussions ensures that managers are aware of individual circumstances and can manage situations accordingly, with sensitivity, compassion and discretion where this is required. Employees should understand that this policy aims to avoid the need for formal action, and that dismissal for unsatisfactory attendance will be implemented under this policy only as a last resort. POLICY This procedure is intended to allow both the employee and the business to assess how sickness absence can affect the quality and efficiency of work. Stokers recognises that employees may experience ill health and need to refrain from work during their employment and this policy has been developed to ensure such absence is minimised, that employees are supported and assisted to return to work as soon as possible. The policy will not apply to agency workers, consultants or self-employed contractors. This is a policy document and therefore does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment. Stokers may amend this policy at any time. Stokers pays employees Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) during periods of sickness absence after three waiting days on receipt of relevant statutory forms / fit notes. The rate of SSP is fixed by the government each year, and SSP may be payable for up to 28 weeks. The business reserves the right to require an employee to consent to be examined by a medical practitioner at Stokers’ expense and agree to allow the practitioner to provide a medical report to the business and to discuss that report with the business if necessary. Stokers is aware that sickness absence may result from a disability. At each stage of the procedures set out in this policy, the business will give consideration as to whether GENERAL PRINCIPLES SSP
there are any reasonable adjustments that could be made to the procedures, the requirements of an employee’s job or other aspects of working arrangements that will provide support at work and/or assist a return to work. Reporting an Absence If an employee becomes ill or injured at work they should notify their manager and, if necessary, request permission to leave work. If an employee cannot attend work because they are ill or injured, they should telephone their manager as early as possible, and not less than 30 minutes before they are due to attend work. Text messages or emails are not acceptable to report absences. If an employee’s line manager is not available, it is the employee’s responsibility to ensure the next logical level of management is informed via telephone. The following details should be communicated to the employee’s manager: • The nature of the illness or injury. • The expected length of the absence from work. • Contact information, so that the business can keep in touch with the employee during their absence if necessary. • Any outstanding or urgent work that requires attention. Managers should ensure that: • Any sickness absence that is notified to them is recorded via the HR System. • Arrangements are made, where necessary, to cover the absent employee’s work. If absences last more than one day, employees are expected to call their line manager each day of absence to inform them of the absence unless it is covered by a doctor’s note/fit note. Reporting Lateness The business expects excellent attendance and timekeeping. It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure they are at their place of work ready to start duties at their start time. If for any reason an employee is late, this must be reported on arrival to their line manager (or next logical level of management if the line manager is unavailable) to inform them of the reasons for the lateness. Where possible, lateness should be reported to management prior to arriving at work. Regular punctuality issues will be dealt with through the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure.
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