Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24 with links
INTRODUCTION The Staff Discount Policy has been established to ensure that Stokers employees can take advantage of fantastic furniture at cheaper prices by working for the business. This policy replaces all other instructions relating to staff discounts previously issued and will take effect immediately. POLICY The policy outlines the rules surrounding discounts for employees of the Stokers Group. This policy applies to all employees of the Stokers Group. All employees should adhere to the rules of this policy, line managers are responsible for authorisations and checks when it comes to employee purchases. Where employees are in any doubt about their employee discount entitlement, they must consult with their manager. WHEN AM I ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE THE STAFF DISCOUNT? Stoker’s employees who have passed their 6 month probationary period with the company, are entitled to a discount on all goods bought for their own personal use. This discount policy does not extend to family and friends. The Company reserves the right to refuse an employee sale without explanation. Any employees who are subject to disciplinary action are not entitled to staff discount. THE DISCOUNT The discounted price of the goods is the original cost price plus ten percent, plus VAT at the appropriate rate. Prices will be identified by the Store Manager/Director or one of the Directors. Payment in full is to be taken at the time of the order. Any employee discount MUST be authorised by the employee’s line manager. An employee cannot conduct a sale for themselves, their manager must complete the sale. Goods which are subject to a special manufacturer’s deal, which cannot be repeated; or items to be cleared off the floor at a special reduced price are not eligible for staff discounts without the prior consent of a Director. Stokers reserves the right to charge for delivery. All goods must be paid for in full when the order is placed with the supplier. Payment must be made by cash, card or cheque only. The goods must be carefully checked by the employee before delivery. All goods must also be booked out before leaving the store.
Employees will not contact suppliers, supplier’s representatives or agents to illicit further discounts over and above that already agreed by the company’s Buyer. Any employee who is found to abuse the staff discount facility may be subject to disciplinary proceedings, which may lead to dismissal. RETURNS AND SERVICE Stokers offers no warranty on products sold under the staff discount policy. The business will not accept returns of products sold under the staff discount policy unless the product in question can be returned to the manufacturer for full credit. This must be agreed in writing by the manufacturer. All returns must be authorised by the Managing Director. EXCEPTIONS Container stock will not be subject to the usual staff discount rate stated above due to the additional costs to administer, order and shipping. If an employee wishes to purchase container stock the discount applied will be the sale price minus 25%. Stokers will offer no warranty or service on container stock. Any service done will be done at the employee’s expense, this does not include any damage prior to delivery to the employee’s home. DELIVERY The company will not be held responsible for any damage to the employee’s home/property however it may be caused when delivery is undertaken of staff sales orders to the employee’s home/delivery address. RTM AND STOCK TO BE DISPOSED OF Within the business, Company stock can written off due to damage or unsuitability and subsequently required to be disposed of or returned to the manufacturer (RTM). These items of stock are not to be presumed to be taken by employees for their own use. If an employee wishes to request the item of stock which is being disposed of, they must seek permission from a Company Director to authorise it. The Director will review the item and decide a fair price for it, all paper work and procedures must be completed for ANY item of stock leaving the business via ANY capacity.
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