Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24
Our Responsibilities To You • Provide and maintain safe work premises, equipment and a safe working environment. • Provide you with the information, training and supervision you need to work safely. • Provide you with our outsourced Health and Safety provider, Southalls and our health and safety representative. Your Responsibility As An Employee Take reasonable care of your own health and safety and that of others who may be effected by what you do. • Co-operate to enable us to comply with Health and Safety laws. • Take note of the Company’s Health and Safety policy and observe its equipment. • Participate in Health and Safety training when required. • Always follow your training and instructions in procedures; safe system of work and of equipment and materials. • Inform your line manager of any condition affecting your ability to work safely or any work situation involving serious or immediate dangers. • Inform your health and safety representative of any dangerous situation not effectively dealt with by your line manager. Southalls – Our Health and Safety Provider We have an online system called Safety Cloud which assists us in all our health and safety and compliance requirements, your line manager will go through this system with you. The system holds information and records like our Manual Handling, DSE and Fire Safety assessments.
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