Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24
will accommodate their needs. There will also be a discussion about the impact of the proposed new arrangements will have on the employee’s work, colleagues and service delivery. If Stokers cannot accommodate the arrangements requested by the employee, the meeting will provide an opportunity to explore possible alternative working arrangements.
• Detrimental impact on quality; • Detrimental impact on performance; • Insufficiency of work during the periods that the employee proposes to work; and • Planned changes. Withdrawal If the employee withdraws their formal request for flexible working at any stage, they will not be eligible to make another formal request for 12 months from the date of the original request. In certain circumstances, a formal request will be treated as withdrawn. This will occur if the employee fails to attend a meeting under this policy on two occasions without good cause. Stokers will write to the employee confirming that the request has been treated as withdrawn. Appeals Employees may appeal the outcome of a flexible working request in writing, stating the full grounds of appeal, within 7 days of the date on which the employee was notified of the outcome. Any appeal should normally focus on any procedural errors that the employee believes have occurred, any new evidence which the employee believes undermines the original decision, and/or the suitability of the outcome of a flexible working request. Stokers will arrange for a meeting to take place following receipt of an employee’s appeal. The employee may be accompanied by a colleague or trade union representative at the appeal meeting. Where possible, the appeal meeting will be conducted by a manager who has not been previously involved in considering the employee’s request. The employee will be informed in writing of the appeal decision as soon as possible after the appeal meeting. If the appeal is upheld, the employee will be advised of their new working arrangements, details of any trial period, an explanation of changes to their contract of employment and the date on which the changes will commence. If the appeal is rejected, the written decision will give the business reason(s) for the decision and explain why the reason(s) apply in the employee’s case. The employee will not be able to make another formal request until 12 months after the date of the original request.
Decision Following the meeting, Stokers will notify the employee of the decision in writing. If the request is accepted, or where alternative
arrangements are proposed, the details will be confirmed along with details of any trial period, an explanation of changes to the employee’s contract of employment and the date on which they will commence. The employee will be asked to sign and return a copy of the letter. This will be placed on their personnel file to confirm the variation to their terms of employment. Unless otherwise agreed (and subject to any agreed trial period) changes to an employee’s terms of employment will be permanent. The employee will not be able to make another formal request until 12 months after the date of their most recent request. If Stokers needs more time to make a decision, for example, where some time is needed to investigate how the employee’s request can be accommodated or to consult with colleagues, they will discuss this with the employee. There will be situations where, due to business and operational requirements, the business is unable to agree to an employee’s flexible working request. In those circumstances, Stokers will write to the employee to: • Explain the business reason(s) for turning down the request; and • Set out the appeal procedure. The eight business reasons for which Stokers may reject a flexible working request are: • The burden of additional costs; • Detrimental effect on ability to meet customer demand; • Inability to reorganise work among existing employees; • Inability to recruit additional employees;
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