Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24


Stokers recognises that employees who work together may form personal friendships and in some cases close personal relationships. While it does not wish to interfere with these personal relationships, it is necessary for the organisation to ensure that all employees behave in an appropriate and professional manner at work. The following principles have therefore been devised, and apply to all employees regardless of their job or level of seniority. This policy is intended to ensure that individual employees are not open to allegations of impropriety, bias, abuse of authority or conflict of interest. It is also intended to set out employees’ rights and responsibilities to one another. Stokers values the integrity of professional relationships between its employees and in order for the Company’s business to be conducted and perceived in a professional manner, it is necessary to distinguish between and take account of personal relationships which overlap with professional ones. CLASSIFICATION OF A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP? In the context of this policy, a personal relationship is defined as: • a family relationship; or • a sexual / romantic relationship • a close friendship. Any employee who is in a personal relationship with any other employee, supplier or contractor shall, along with the Company, take all reasonable steps to ensure that personal relationships neither advantage nor unfairly disadvantage those involved. DECISION MAKING It is the Company’s intention that line managers will not be involved in the decisions affecting the following circumstances: • Recruitment and Selection • Disciplinary Action • Promotion • Salary Adjustments or Recommendations • Appraisals / Reviews

• Spouse • Partner • Close friend • Sexual partner

Employees involved in personal relationships should exercise due regard for the professional nature of the workplace and behave in a professional manner at all times paying due consideration to colleagues, customers and clients. IDENTIFYING AND DECLARING A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP AT WORK Stokers recognises the importance of preserving the integrity of professional relationships between employees. Most social and personal relationships need not present a difficulty and can be entirely beneficial as they promote good working relationships. It is recognised that there will be particular circumstances where employees concerned will need to withdraw from certain decisions or from undertaking certain roles in order to protect themselves and the Company from any possible criticism or unfair bias. If an employee becomes involved in a personal relationship with a fellow employee, supplier or contractor, it is the responsibility of both individuals to deal appropriately with any potential conflicts of interest, such relationships should be reported, in confidence, to their supervisor or manager. If a relationship exists as described above, it may be necessary, as a last resort, to re-deploy one of the employees involved. BREACH OF PROCEDURE Employees should be aware that a breach of this policy could lead to disciplinary action being taken in line with the Company Disciplinary Procedure.

For any other employee who is a: • Relative • Relative by marriage


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