Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24

Risk Management We all have a responsibility to ensure that we prevent, as far as possible, injury, loss or damage to ourselves, customers and Company property. To this end, we all have a part to play in ensuring good housekeeping. This includes keeping your place of work tidy, disposing of waste materials sensibly, adhering to no smoking rules, not obstructing emergency exits or acting in a way that could endanger yourself, others or Company property. Day to day risk management and proactive risk reduction is something we should all do. It is your responsibility to tell your line manager about any changes in procedures, operations, activity or the environment that may increase risk. For example, asking for any PPE that you think you require. Theft In cases of suspected theft of Company property by a customer visiting the premises, you are on no account to apprehend the customer, but should report their actions immediately to the line manager, who will take necessary action. It is Company policy to seek the prosecution of all people suspected of theft. If an employee is involved in any type of theft, it will also result in disciplinary action, which may lead to summary dismissal.


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