Stokers Autumn Living 2022
It takes time to become a master of your craft. That’s why Vispring’s bed makers are so skilled, they’re full of handed-down knowledge. They fill, finish and stitch by hand, making every bed exactly to order. Combine this with the softness of natural fillings such as Shetland Isle wool, silk and cashmere.
Made i n Br i t a i n
Divan bases also available in other fabric options
special autumn prices
All Vispring models are available with either a shallow divan base or a standard divan base
& 2 Free pillows †
Vispring Herald Superb The expertly blended filling of British fleece wool, horsehair and cotton, laid over thousands of honeycombed Vispring six-coil pocket springs, ensures a night of truly luxurious comfort.
guarantee 30 year
Pocket Sprung
medium 2
seasonal turning
Single 90cm divan set
Sale Price £2869
RRP £3580
Double 135cm divan set
Sale Price £4049
RRP £5120
King size 150cm divan set
Sale Price £4699
RRP £5985
Super king size 180cm divan set
Sale Price £5799
RRP £7345
special autumn offer † TWO FREE Pillows with any purchase of a Vispring DOUBLE (135cm), KING SIZE (150cm) or SUPER KING SIZE (180cm) mattress or divan set or ONE FREE Pillow with any SINGLE (90cm) mattress or divan set. Pyrenean Duck Feather & Down Pillows (75cm x 50cm) have a retail value of £115 each. Offer available until 30th October 2022.
2 + 2 drawer divan set
4 drawer divan set
divan set
mattress only
Please note headboards are not included in prices shown and are optional extras.
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