Stokers Group - Love Your Cabinet MAY24

Range Page 2/2

Feature, Benefit & Relevance

Supplier Name: BAKER

Range Name: SOHO

Feature European Oak

Benefit Slow grown for added density and strength

Relevance example: When you want quality oak – European is considered one of the best Relevance Example: Require a product that will look newer for longer

Feature An=-Rust Coated Steel

Benefit Protects the legs from corrosion

Feature Industrial Style

Benefit Very on-trend and doesn’t date easily – transcends the test of =me

Relevance Example: Stylish furniture with the modern industrial twist

Feature Fully braced Doors

Benefit Minimise warping and twis=ng

Relevance Example: High quality construc=on and less likely to be damaged.



Relevance Example:

Other Characteris7cs/Points of Interest:

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