Lucas Winter Living 2022-23

Winter 2022/23

free delivery

interest free credit

removal of your old furniture, if required

Lucas Furniture Sir Henry Lee Crescent, Aylesbury, Bucks HP18 0PE

Telephone: 01296 486255

Open: Saturday 9 - 6 , Sunday 11 - 5 , Late night Monday 9 - 8 , Tuesday & Wednesday 9 - 6 , Late night Thursday 9 - 8 , Friday 9 - 6

visit us online at:

Please contact the store for any further details on offers. Please note that not all furniture brands, products or offers featured in this brochure are on display in-store. Offers and sale prices featured in this brochure are available until Sunday 26th February 2023 and not in conjunction with any other offer. Please note that all prices were correct at time of going to press - November 2022. E&OE.

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