Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24 with links


INTRODUCTION Stokers is committed to providing a safe, healthy and productive working environment. This includes ensuring that all employees are fit to carry out their jobs safely and effectively in an environment which is free from alcohol and drug misuse. All managers have a specific responsibility to ensure that employees understand the standards of behaviour expected by the business, and to take appropriate action when any employees’ behaviour falls below those requirements. POLICY The purpose of this policy is to increase awareness of the effects of alcohol and drug misuse and its likely symptoms, to ensure that: All employees are aware of their responsibilities regarding alcohol and drug misuse at work. Employees who may have an alcohol or drug-related problem are encouraged to seek help, in confidence, at an early stage. Employees who have an alcohol or drug-related problem affecting their work are dealt with fairly and consistently. This policy covers all employees, officers, consultants, contractors, casual workers and agency workers. It does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment and the business may amend it at any time. GENERAL PRINCIPLES Where an employee notices a change in a colleague’s pattern of behaviour they should seek assistance through their manager or the HR department. Employees should not attempt to cover up for a colleague whose work or behaviour is suffering as a result of an alcohol or drug-related problem. If an employee has an alcohol or drug-related problem they should seek specialist advice and support as soon as possible. The HR department may be able to assist and will, where possible, do so in confidence. Stokers also provides a confidential outsourced counselling employee assistance programme for all employees. Misuse of alcohol and drugs can lead to reduced levels of attendance, reduced efficiency and performance, impaired judgement and decision making and increased health and safety risks for employees and other people, including the public. Irresponsible behaviour or the commission of offences resulting from the misuse of alcohol or drugs may damage reputation and, as a result, Stokers business.

As such, Stokers will not under any circumstances accept employees: • Arriving at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs; and/or • Whose ability to work is impaired in any way by reason of the consumption of alcohol or drugs; and/or • Consuming alcohol or taking drugs (other than prescription or over the counter medication, as directed) on business’s premises. Any such behaviour will be treated as a gross misconduct issue and may lead to disciplinary action under the Disciplinary Policy. All employees are expected to arrive at work fit to carry out their job and to be able to perform their duties safely without any limitations due to the use or after effects of alcohol or drugs (whether prescribed, over the counter or illegal). Employees should not under any circumstances drink alcohol during the normal working day, at lunchtime or at other official breaks. Drinking alcohol while at work without authorisation or working under the influence of alcohol will be considered as a misconduct issue and may be addressed under the Disciplinary Policy. Drinking alcohol responsibly at certain business meetings and events may, in some circumstances, be acceptable. For guidance please consult your line manager. All employees must comply with drink or drug driving laws at all times. Conviction of a drink or drug driving offence may harm Stoker’s reputation and, if an employee’s job requires them to drive, they will be unable to continue to do their job. Committing a drink or drug driving offence while working for Stokers or outside working hours will be treated as a misconduct issue and may lead to action under the Disciplinary Policy and could result in dismissal. If an employee is prescribed medication they must seek advice from their GP or pharmacist about the possible effects on their ability to carry out their job. Considerations should also be reviewed by the GP regarding modified duties or whether they should be temporarily reassigned to a different role. The employee must keep their manager informed without delay. PROCEDURE Stokers reserves the right to conduct searches for alcohol or drugs without any prior notice on any and all of its premises, including, but not limited to, searches of staff rooms, lockers, filing cabinets, desks, bags and clothing.


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