Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24

Probationary Period Everyone who joins the Stokers Group goes through a 6 month probationary period; which is your introduction into the Company. During your probation, you’ll have catch ups and reviews with your line manager to check how you are settling in, if you need any more support or training and to provide you with guidance on areas for development. How Will You Be Measured? We measure our employees commonly on these three areas: • Company values (how we expect you to behave). • Your job role (how you perform in your role). • Your role’s individual measures (KPIs / NPS measures etc).* Your line manager will provide these clear expectations and go through them with you. *may not be applicable to all roles. ‘Catch Ups’ Your Line Manager is there to motivate and support you so they will hold one to ones or catch ups with you. These are a great opportunity to check how you’re getting on in your role. Appraisals Our reviews are a great way of recognising and praising achievements, as well as identifying areas for growth and setting expectations for your role over the next 12 months. Every 3/6 months (role dependant) you’ll meet with your line manager and have a two way discussion in order to:

• Review your performance. • Plan for the next period. • Review any areas of concern. • Look at your achievements.

• Identify your development needs. • Set objectives for the next period. Your review is a useful tool to help you manage and measure your own performance.


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