Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24

Examples of alternative penalties include: • Demotion. • Transfer to another department or job. • Loss of seniority. • Reduction in pay. • Loss of future pay increment or bonus. • Loss of overtime. Step 4: Appeals Employees have a right of appeal against the penalties imposed under this procedure. Any appeal must be submitted to the HR Department in writing, stating the full grounds of appeal, within 7 days of the date on which the employee were informed of the disciplinary decision in writing. Any disciplinary appeal should normally focus on any potential procedural errors that the employee believes have occurred, any new evidence which the employee believes undermines the original decision, and/or the suitability of the disciplinary decision. If an employee appeals against their dismissal, the date on which the dismissal took effect, their dismissal will not be delayed pending the outcome of the appeal. However, if the appeal is successful the employee may be reinstated with no loss of continuity of employment or pay. The employee will be provided with written notice of the date, time and place of the appeal meeting. Reasonable notice of the appeal meeting will be given. The appeal meeting may be a complete re-hearing of the matter or it may be a review of the original decision in the light of the procedure that was followed and any new information that may have come to light. This will be entirely at the chair’s discretion depending on the circumstances of the case. In any event the appeal will be dealt with fairly and impartially. Where possible, any appeal meeting will be conducted by a manager who has not been previously involved in the case. A member of the HR department will also usually be present. The employee may bring a companion to the appeal meeting (see above). Following the appeal meeting Stokers may:

• Confirm the original decision; • Revoke the original decision; or • Substitute a different penalty.

The employee will be informed in writing of the appeal decision as soon as possible. Following this, there will be no further right of appeal.


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