Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24

Satellite Navigation Unit All vehicles

If a driver needs to use a sat-nav, all destinations should be entered into the unit while the vehicle is stationary and parked in a safe place. All drivers should stop if it is necessary to take their eyes off the road to check routes. Sat-nav units must not impair the driver’s vision when positioned inside the vehicle, and should not be positioned where they are likely to cause injuries in the event of a collision. All in-vehicle distractions should be kept to a minimum and it is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that they are not likely to be distracted. Stokers operates a zero-tolerance policy in respect of driving whilst under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Any evidence of this occurring will result in disciplinary action under the Disciplinary Policy and Procedure. In this regard all drivers must report any pending prosecutions and/or cautions to the business immediately, regardless of whose vehicle they were driving at the time of the offence. Failure to do so, and/or prosecution of such offences, will result in disciplinary action under the Disciplinary Policy and Procedure. Any driver taking prescription or over the counter medicines must check that they are still fit to drive and that their driving ability is not impaired in any way. Any driver who may be unfit to drive for any reason must inform their manager immediately and must not drive. Any employee who has concerns about alcohol or drug use should consult the Substance Abuse Policy for guidance. Driving Under the Influence All vehicles


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