Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24

Statutory Sick Pay Statutory Sick Pay will be paid to you through the payroll. It can be paid for a period of up to 28 weeks, as long as your earnings have been high enough to pay National Insurance contributions and subject to the minimum earning requirements set out by the Department for Work & Pensions. Statutory sick pay begins from the 4th day of absence after 3 unpaid working days. Prolonged or Persistant Absence Where an employee is off continually for a period of 4 weeks or more due to illness, it is considered as long term sickness. Your line manager will advise the HR Department of your absence and it will be managed in conjunction with HR and your line manager. This will also apply if an employee is repeatedly off sick with short term absences. Absence Monitoring Whilst the monitoring of absence is a continuous process, Stokers have implemented a trigger level to identify when your absences have reached a level that is deemed unacceptable. For more details on this process please review the Sickness Absence Policy within this Handbook. Medical & Dental Visits Wherever possible, appointments with doctors, dentists or the hospital should be made outside your normal working hours or during usual days off. However, we realise that this may not always be possible, therefore you should agree with your line manager a mutually convenient time for the appointment with the least possible disruption to your working day. Flexible Working A flexible working request can be made if an employee has over 6 months service with Stokers. A request could be to change your hours of work, place of work or patterns of work. Any request must be made in writing and under our Flexible Working Procedure which can be found within this handbook.


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