Stokers A5 Handbook Policies APR24

Electronic Communication Stokers reserves the right to retrieve, review, audit, intercept, access and disclose all messages created, received or sent by email for any purpose via work devices or work accounts. The contents of any email message may be disclosed to senior management without your permission.

Such actions will only be taken where there is a reasonable suspicion (supported by the Head of HR) of misconduct. Personal Circumstances

You must tell your line manager of any change to your personal circumstances. If you fail to do so, we will be unable to contact you in case of emergencies. These changes mainly include: Home address, contact numbers, next of kin and change of name. You can update these details yourself on Cascade, our interactive HR database. Driver Regulations It is the responsibility of all drivers to familiarise themselves with the UK Driver Regulations. If you are a Stokers’ Driver, you need to take all steps to ensure your hours are in line with the VOSA regulations by taking the compulsory daily and weekly rest breaks. For more information, please ensure you speak with your line manager or our Transport Manager. GDPR - General Data Protection Regulations Everyone has rights with regard to how their personal information is handled. During the course of its business activities Stokers will collect, store and process personal information about staff members, customers, suppliers and other third parties. Stokers recognises the need to treat this information in an appropriate and lawful manner. For more information regarding how your personal information is used and collected, please see our GDPR Policy.


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